Gulbenkian Institute for Molecular Medicine


GiMM is recruiting a Postdoctoral Researcher


채용 정보

  • 접수 기간

    2024.12.31 00:00~2025.02.11 23:59

  • 접수 방법


  • 채용 구분


  • 고용 형태


  • 지원 자격


  • 모집 전공

    화학, 화학공학더보기

  • 기관 유형


  • 근무 지역


GIMM opens a call to hire a Postdoctoral Researcher correspondent to the initial level according to the Applicable Regulation, under an Unfixed-term contract within the Programa Interface – financiamentos base dos Centros de Tecnologia e Inovação within the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) approved in the terms of Avisos de Abertura de Concurso (AAC) nr 03/C05-i02/2022.



  • Decree-Law nr 57/2016, from 29th August, altered by Law nr 57/2017, from 19th July, that approves a Doctoral Hiring regime to stimulate Scientific and Technological Employment in all knowledge areas (RJEC).
  • Portuguese Labor Law, approved by Law nr 7/2009, from 12th February in its current writing. 
  • Regulatory Decree Nr 11-A / 2017, of 29th December.
  • Decree-Law nr 108/2023, of 22nd November.

Work Plan Activities

  1. To participate in translational projects with a strong multidisciplinary component;
  2. To develop and coordinate scientific service provision activities;
  3. To participate and support studies involving atomic force microscopy, including force spectroscopy-based approaches;
  4. To plan, participate and support studies involving biophysics measurements-based approaches, including circular dichroism (CD), Fourier-Transformed Infra-Red (FTIR), fluorescence, zeta potential and light scattering (both DLS and SLS) spectroscopy studies.

근무 예정지

대표해외(포르투갈) : Portugal, Gulbenkian Institute for Molecular Medicine, Lisbon, 1649-028, Av. Professor Egas Moniz, Edifício Egas Moniz

관련 키워드


기관 정보

Gulbenkian Institute for Molecular Medicine

  • 기관유형


  • 대표전화

    +351 214 407 900

  • 대표주소

    Rua da Quinta Grande 6, 2780-156 Oeiras

  • 홈페이지


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