
Postdoctoral position: Understanding multi-actor perspectives of livestock-wildlife conflicts


채용 정보

  • 접수 기간

    2025.01.08 00:00~2025.01.27 11:59

  • 접수 방법


  • 채용 구분


  • 고용 형태


  • 지원 자격


  • 모집 전공

    국제지역학, 인류학, 사회학, 도시・지역학, 국제학, 인류학, 사회학, 도시・지역학, 국제학, 행정학, 정치외교학, 사회학, 도시・지역학, 군사・국방・안보, 경제학, 경영정보학, 지구・지리학, 법학더보기

  • 기관 유형


  • 근무 지역


You will be working on the exciting new EU-funded (H2020) CoCo project “Co-creating coexistence: Advancing policies, practices, and stakeholder engagement for integrating wildlife and livestock into sustainable multi-functional landscapes in Europe”, which started in November 2024. The aim of the 3-year project coordinated by John Linnell at the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN) is to co-create, integrate, and consolidate a diversity of knowledge forms (from different scientific disciplines, traditional practices, and experience) concerning pastoralism-wildlife interactions as a basis for developing policy recommendations and tools for practitioners to promote a sustainable coexistence in shared multi-functional landscapes.

INRAE is involved in all parts of the project, and as a Work Package lead, is responsible for collecting quantitative and qualitative data from pastoralists, hunters, and landowners (farmers, foresters) concerning their perceptions of the interactions between wildlife and livestock, the way these interactions are managed, and their needs or desires for changes to the system. Specifically, the WP aims to understand the contrasting perspectives of multiple-stakeholders on the state and management of the livestock-wildlife interface and associated conflicts; and identify potential pathways for success, and failure, of different governance structures within different contexts to produce a best-practice road map for contextualised and innovative governance.

- Your purpose will be to:

  • Assess stakeholder perspectives and needs through a) face-to-face quantitative interviews with 50-100 pastoralists, b) online questionnaires with landowners and hunters (aiming together for 1000 responses), c) qualitative interviews with 15-20 high-level policy-makers and d) interviews and focus groups with environmentalists
  • Support the ethics, gender and diversity issues of the project, including ensuring that all ethical permissions for INRAE are sought to carry out the above research.

- You will be in charge of a range of activities for these tasks (which can be further refined), including:

  • Developing and carrying out social science research protocols (i.e. semi-structured interviews, large-scale online questionnaire, focus groups) to identify and gather information from key stakeholders at the EU and local levels on livestock-wildlife interactions.
  • Using qualitative and quantitative methods to analyse the resulting datasets

  • Writing up and disseminating the research results, in formats adapted to scientists and other actors (e.g. scientific papers and presentations, policy or practitioner summaries, knowledge synthesis, factsheets or briefs).
  • Closely working with the INRAE WP leader and other project leaders/staff to ensure links and information flow to other parts of the CoCo project.

근무 예정지

대표INRAE(해외) : 147 Rue de l'Université, 75007 Paris

관련 키워드

SociologyRural sociologyGeographyHuman geographyPolitical sciencesGovernance

기관 정보


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  • 대표전화

    33 1 42 75 90 00

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    147 Rue de l'Université, 75007 Paris

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