University of Lodz
assistant professor
채용 정보
접수 기간
2025.01.11 00:00~2025.02.10 23:59
접수 방법
채용 구분
고용 형태
지원 자격
모집 전공
역사・고고학, 문화・민속・미술사학, 국제지역학, 인류학, 사회학, 도시・지역학, 국제학더보기
기관 유형
근무 지역
We expect the Candidate for the position of Assistant Professor (post-doc) in the research group in the project "Critical Disillusions. Refiguring the Tragic in Polish Post-dramatic Theatre" to be interested in the research problem discussed in the project and to carry out the research tasks planned in this area. The overarching aim of the research project is to make the comprehensive investigation focusing on the new notions of the tragic (Williams, Leonard, Lehmann) and postdramatic artistic strategies of its stage expression in contemporary Polish theatre (2014-2024). The research in the project is an attempt to identify artistic ways of dealing with the tragic of (post)modernity, i.e. with new sources, symptoms and aspects of “ontological homelessness”, defined from the perspective of three dominant crises of the Anthropocene: the environmental crisis (concerning climate change, planetary degradation, loss of biodiversity, etc.), the emancipatory crisis (concerning women and the LGBTQ+ community) and the migration crisis (concerning the humanitarian and political crisis related to migration).
The principal conceptual framework for the research is defined by Félix Guattari’s ecosophical project, with particular emphasis on the theory of three existential territories – three ecologies (environmental, social and mental), supplemented by the theories of critical posthumanism (Braidotti, Haraway, Stiegler) and theoretical and methodological triangulation from the area of ecocriticism, feminist, migration and queer theories. The research will be focused on dramaturgical and directing strategies, in terms of form and content of stage performance, created by artists who have been working in Poland in the indicated period.
For more information about the project and the call, please contact the Principal Investigator, dr hab. Małgorzata Budzowska, prof. UŁ:
Project affiliation: University of Lodz, Faculty of Philology, Institute of Contemporary Culture, Department of Drama and Theatre:
There is no requirement to permanently reside in (or near) Lodz, however the Candidate must take into account the need to regularly participate in project team meetings.
Employment period: 12 months with the possibility of extension to 34 months
Salary: c. 8 000 - 8 500 PLN (brutto)
근무 예정지
대표해외(폴란드) : Poland, Faculty of Philology, Department of Drama and Theatre, Lodz, 90-237, Pomorska 171/173
관련 키워드
기관 정보
University of Lodz
+48 42 635 40 00
prez. Gabriela Narutowicza 68, 90-136 Łódź
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