University of Nantes
Post-doctoral fellow in Innovation Studies / Management Science
채용 정보
접수 기간
2025.01.11 00:00~2025.02.08 23:59
접수 방법
채용 구분
경력 무관
고용 형태
지원 자격
모집 전공
회계・세무학, 부동산, 무역・유통학, 금융・회계・세무학, 광고・홍보학, 관광학, 경제학, 경영학, 경영정보학, 교양경상학, 인류학, 사회학, 도시・지역학, 국제학, 경제학, 경영정보학, 지구・지리학더보기
기관 유형
근무 지역
With 165 members, the Laboratoire d'Economie et de Management Nantes-Atlantique (LEMNA) brings together researchers in economics and management from Nantes University, IMT Atlantique (formerly Mines Nantes) and the École Nationale Vétérinaire, Agroalimentaire et de l'Alimentation Nantes-Atlantique (ONIRIS). The NTO axis (Numérique et Transformation des Organisations) is a team of the LEMNA. It develops researches around the management of major transitions (social, energy, digital, etc.) through innovations. In particular, we use the concepts of ecosystems, communities, networks and places to understand and measure how technological or behavioural changes take place. Digital technology is sometimes seen as a lever and accelerator of these transformations. Fundamentally, NTO researchers are committed to science for action and to empirical approaches. In this context, the team is looking for a post-doctoral researcher to continue its own work within this intellectual context. The aim is to work primarily on the notion of transition and to analyse and/or measure how the various spatial entries (place, community, ecosystem) make it possible to provoke and/or monitor it.
An application and empirical ground in one of the region's priority sectors (Creative and Cultural Industries, Health, Technology/Digital) is expected. In July 2025, the team will also be organising the Nantes chapter of the MOSAIC - HEC Montréal / Business School - University of Barcelona summer school. This, will involve helping to set up, structure and manage the operations of the event in Nantes. For 16 years, the MOSAIC summer school brings together around 80 international peoples (Grad students, researches, industry leaders and directors of innovation) for 2 weeks to observe and analyse the way in which creativity and innovation constitute observable invariants and are at the heart of the transformation of various sectors (health, AI, Culture, Media, Industry, etc.). The school will take place over one week in Montreal and one week in Barcelona, and in July 2025, 3 days will be organised in Nantes.
근무 예정지
대표University of Nantes(해외) : Rue Stéphane Leduc, 44300 Nantes
관련 키워드
기관 정보
University of Nantes
+33 2 51 86 39 51
Rue Stéphane Leduc, 44300 Nantes
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