IMDEA Nanoscience Institute


Postdoctoral Position in Advanced Fluorescence Microscopy


채용 정보

  • 접수 기간

    2025.01.14 00:00~2025.01.31 00:00

  • 접수 방법


  • 채용 구분


  • 고용 형태


  • 지원 자격


  • 모집 전공

    화학, 화학공학더보기

  • 기관 유형


  • 근무 지역


A postdoctoral position is available in the area of Advanced Fluorescence Microscopy to study the interactions between bacteria and materials.

The aim of this project is to develop fluorescence microscopy tools to study the boundary between living systems and synthetic materials. The project will explore the physical interactions between bacteria and a range of materials, such as hydrogels, biocompatible adhesives or nanofabricated surface topographies. The availability these novel tools will enhance our understanding of biointerface phenomena, such as mechano-bactericidal mechanisms of action or bacterial encapsulation in engineered living materials. The project will have an emphasis on fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM), but other advanced microscopy techniques may also be applied. Some flexibility within the project can be discussed to match the background and interests of the successful candidate.

The project is to be carried out at the Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies in Nanoscience (IMDEA Nanociencia), a vibrant multidisciplinary and international research institute in Madrid, Spain:

Candidates should have a PhD in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Bioengineering, Materials Science or a related subject. Experience in at least one of these areas is highly desirable: time-resolved fluorescence microscopy or spectroscopy, membrane biophysics, biomaterials, microbiology, atomic force microscopy. Fluency in English is required.

The application deadline for this position is January 31th 2025. To apply, send your CV and a short motivation letter including the contact details of at least one reference to Dr Cristina Flors:

Candidates from all nationalities are welcome to apply. The initial contract will be for one year, and can be extended for a second year after a positive evaluation. Salaries and contract conditions will be in accordance with the Spanish regulations, and include health insurance. 

근무 예정지

대표IMDEA Nanoscience Institute(해외) : C/ Faraday 9 28049 MADRID

관련 키워드


기관 정보

IMDEA Nanoscience Institute

  • 기관유형


  • 대표전화

    +34 91 299 87 00

  • 대표주소

    C/ Faraday 9 28049 MADRID

  • 홈페이지


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