2025학년도 연세대학교 전임교원 초빙 (언더우드국제대학 공통과정-철학)
채용 정보
접수 기간
2025.02.03 00:00~2025.02.21 15:00
접수 방법
채용 직군
지원 자격
모집 전공
근무 지역
Underwood International College, Yonsei University (South Korea)
Tenure-Track Faculty Hiring Announcement
Assistant Professor of Philosophy in the UIC Common Curriculum
Description and Qualifications
The Underwood International College (UIC) of Yonsei University invites applications for a tenure-track position as Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the Yonsei International Campus in Songdo, Incheon, located within the greater Seoul metropolitan region in South Korea.
The desired area of specialization is open. Candidates should have a firm commitment to undergraduate liberal arts education. Teaching responsibilities are six credit hours (2 classes) per semester. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. prior to the appointment date. The starting date is September 1, 2025. As part of Yonsei University’s continuing effort to increase faculty diversity, we are only accepting applications from non-Korean citizens.
We offer competitive compensation to all employees commensurate with their experience. Compensation includes competitive salary, health insurance, and other benefits. Additionally, the selected candidate will be eligible for housing support (for up to 6 years) after review.
Application Procedure
Interested applicants must apply online at the Yonsei Faculty Recruitment Website and submit all required documents through the online system. Applications without the required documents will not be considered. If an applicant cannot upload digital copies of certain documents, such as publications, they must submit them via post to the address below.
Short-listed candidates will be invited for an online interview via Zoom.
Please e-mail Underwood Division Office (uic_ud@yonsei.ac.kr) for inquiries regarding the submission process. For position-related inquiries, please contact the Common Curriculum Chair Prof. Michael Hope (michael.hope@yonsei.ac.kr). For inquiries concerning Philosophy at UIC, please contact Prof. Nikolaj J. L. L. Pedersen (nikolaj@yonsei.ac.kr).
Prospective applicants are also encouraged to visit our website at http://uic.yonsei.ac.kr.
Application Period: February 3, 2025 ~ February 21, 2025, 15:00 KST
- Documents arriving after the deadline will not be accepted due to university regulations.
Documents to be uploaded with your online application:
- Online application form (including a list of publications form as well as a single file containing both your CV and Cover Letter.)
- Copies of certificates of graduation & transcripts (BA, MA and PhD)
- PhD Dissertation
- Main research publications published after March 2020
- For main achievements (up to five), please check “Main Achievement” in the list of research records on the list of publications form.
- Either the originals or the copies of the applicant’s five main publications published after March 2020 should be submitted along with a summary of research (one page or less) for each publication. - Teaching evaluations (if applicable)
For shortlisted candidates, the following documents must be sent via post:
- The UD Office will notify shortlisted candidates of the document submission deadline via email.
- Original Certificates of Graduation & Transcripts (BA, MA and PhD)
- Two letters of recommendation (from professors or professionals in the same program or field)
- The applicant must provide the contact information of their recommenders as part of the online application.
- The UD Office will send the recommendation requests to the recommender’s email addresses provided by applicants.
- An image file (e.g. .pdf, .jpg) of the recommender’s stamp or signature should be included in the response email for your recommendation. It will not be accepted if the signature is included in an editable file format (e.g. .hwp, .doc).
- The applicant’s full name and the name of the school/program to which the applicant is applying must be specified in the letter. - Originals or copies of all publications from after March 2020 (may send them via post only in case of failing submission of files through the online system)
- If you have not heard back from us by the end of April, please assume that you have not been shortlisted.
Mailing Address:
Underwood Division Administration
Underwood International College
Room 315, Daewoo Hall (Annex)
Yonsei University
50 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu
Seoul, 03722, Republic of Korea
Telephone: +82-2-2123-3925 (uic_ud@yonsei.ac.kr)
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서울특별시 서대문구 연세로 50 (신촌동, 연세대학교)
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