School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences
Post-doctorant RQTH
채용 정보
접수 기간
2025.02.04 00:00~2025.02.28 16:00
접수 방법
채용 구분
경력 무관
고용 형태
지원 자격
모집 전공
역사・고고학, 문화・민속・미술사학, 철학・윤리학, 국제지역학, 문화・민속・미술사학, 문화・민속・미술사학, 문화・민속・미술사학, 행정학, 정치외교학, 사회학, 도시・지역학, 군사・국방・안보, 인류학, 사회학, 도시・지역학, 국제학, 인류학, 사회학, 도시・지역학, 국제학, 인류학, 법학, 프랑스어・문학, 중국어・문학, 일본어・문학, 영미어・문학, 언어학, 스페인어・문학, 문예창작학, 러시아어・문학, 독일어・문학, 기타유럽어・문학, 기타아시아어・문학, 국어・국문학, 교양어・문학, 프랑스어・문학, 중국어・문학, 일본어・문학, 영미어・문학, 언어학, 스페인어・문학, 문예창작학, 러시아어・문학, 독일어・문학, 기타유럽어・문학, 기타아시아어・문학, 국어・국문학, 교양어・문학, 경제학, 경영정보학, 지구・지리학, 회계・세무학, 부동산, 무역・유통학, 금융・회계・세무학, 광고・홍보학, 관광학, 경제학, 경영학, 경영정보학, 교양경상학더보기
기관 유형
근무 지역
The EHESS is recruiting a contract post-doctoral fellow with disability from 1 September 2025 for a period of two years, at a gross monthly salary of €2,484.53 to €2,626.50 depending on professional experience.
The position will explore the following theme "Research in Humanities and Social Sciences".
Only persons with disability who have defended a doctoral thesis in France or abroad between 3 September 2022 and 31 January 2025 may apply.
Applications presenting clear interdisciplinary and international dimensions, as well as prospects for bolstering collaborations between several EHESS laboratories or broaching many fields of research will be preferred.
EHESS is fully committed to equal opportunity and implements a policy whereby it aims at increasing the representation of women in its staff.
Application procedure
To apply, candidates must log on to the EHESS employment interface: and insert the following documents in the application form in pdf format:
- a curriculum vitae with a list of publications
- a copy of the doctoral diploma or a certificate attesting to the defense
- the thesis defense report, if available
- cover letter, addressed to the President of EHESS
- proof of disability (recognition of the status of disabled worker or disability card): this proof, which serves to verify the admissibility of the application, will not be disclosed to the evaluation committee
- a research and post-doctoral research project (5 pages maximum) that fits into the selected research theme and will be completed within one year.
The project may be written in French or English.
Applications are to be submitted via the EHESS recruitment platform (, from Friday 31st January 2025 until Friday 28 February 2025 at 16:00 (Paris time).
Upon reception of the submission, automatic confirmation will be sent to the email details provided by the applicant.
The recruitment office will then proceed to checking of the admissibility of the application and will sent a confirmation via email.
The results will be available on the EHESS website from Monday 12 May 2025. The selected applicants will be contacted directly by the recruitment department.
For further information:
근무 예정지
대표School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences(해외) : 54 Bd Raspail, 75006 Paris
해외(프랑스) : France, EHESS, Paris
관련 키워드
기관 정보
School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences
+33 1 49 54 25 25
54 Bd Raspail, 75006 Paris
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