Paul Scherrer Institute


Postdoctoral Fellow


채용 정보

  • 접수 기간

    2024.12.19 00:00~2025.01.31 23:59

  • 접수 방법


  • 채용 구분


  • 고용 형태


  • 지원 자격


  • 모집 전공

    공학계열, 물리・과학더보기

  • 기관 유형


  • 근무 지역


The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI is the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences within Switzerland. We perform cutting-edge research in the fields of future technologies, energy and climate, health innovation and fundamentals of nature. By performing fundamental and applied research, we work on sustainable solutions for major challenges facing society, science and economy. PSI is committed to the training of future generations. Therefore, about one quarter of our staff are post-docs, post-graduates or apprentices. Altogether, PSI employs 2300 people.

For the Center for Proton Therapy, we are looking for a

Postdoctoral Fellow

Your tasks

  • Perform research in proton therapy, with specific emphasis on patient positioning for treatment of eye tumors
  • Develop solutions for non-invasive eye localization based on advanced optical imaging and tracking systems
  • Develop and test new solutions for modeling the anatomy, the kinematics, and the optical properties of the human eye

근무 예정지

대표해외(스위스) : Switzerland, Paul Scherrer Insitute

관련 키워드

EngineeringBiomedical engineeringPhysics

기관 정보

Paul Scherrer Institute

  • 기관유형


  • 대표전화

    +41 56 310 21 11

  • 대표주소

    PSI CH, PSI, Forschungsstrasse 111, 5232 Villigen

  • 홈페이지


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