Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries
Postdoc Researcher – Optomechanical systems for 5G and beyond
채용 정보
접수 기간
2024.12.28 00:00~2025.01.15 23:00
접수 방법
채용 구분
고용 형태
지원 자격
모집 전공
기관 유형
근무 지역
Job Reference: Ref.11.24.67
Employer: International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL)
Location: Braga, Portugal
Group/Unit: Sotomayor Research Group
Number of Vacancies: 1
Employment Type: Full time
Contract Duration: 22 months
Open Date for Applications: December 27th, 2024
Closing Date for Applications: January 15th, 2025, 23h00m (Lisbon Time)
Key words: #GHzphonons #THzphotons #NOEMS #ICT
The Sotomayor Research Group carries out research in nanophononics, including nano-scale thermal transport, phononic crystals, opto-mechanics, thermoelectricity, acoustic-metamaterials, topological bosonics and NOEMS. The group, led by Professor Sotomayor Torres, moved from the ICN2, in Spain, to INL, in Portugal, in September 2023 and has set up brand new laboratories, with state-of-the-art equipment for nanophononics research. The group is currently partner in the projects MUSICIAN (CHIST-ERA), LEIT (ERC) and NEUROPIC (EU EIC pathfinder).
We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher to join the team of the European Union RIA project “Materials for a next-generation (nano-)opto-electro-mechanical systems” (MAGNIFIC). The tasks associated with the position are mainly experimental research.
Job Duties
The job duties will be the following:
- Characterise nano-opto-electro-mechanical device-like structures prior integration in information and communication technology (ICT);
- Employ the state-of-the-art experimental resources of the group, which include near-field fibre probing optomechanics setup, Brillouin Light Scattering, Raman scattering, Asynchronous Optical Sampling pump/probe setup and laser Doppler vibrometry;
- Contribute to the group’s dynamics taking part in common research and methodology development initiatives;
- Disseminate research results in publications and conferences/workshops, as well as contribute to reports and project activities;
- Plan research, develop experimental methods, carry out planned and new experiments, analyse data, and publish results;
- Share responsibility in equipment maintenance and upgrades, as well as uphold IT services and safety regulations at work.
Mandatory Qualifications
- PhD in Condensed Matter Physics, Physical Electronics, or related field.
- Postgraduate level research experience in experimental semiconductor laboratory-scale devices, nanophotonics and/or nanophononics.
Other Skills
- Familiarity with phononic crystals, optomechanics and noise characterisation will be highly valued;
Hands-on-experience in one or more of the state-of-the-art experimental resources of the group will be highly valued.
Personal Skills
- Ability to marshal arguments and to develop research concepts and/or methods;
- Excellent organisational and planning skills;
- Ability to work in an international team and independently;
- “Hands-on” approach together with a high commitment, eg., respecting working deadlines;
- Problem solving ability;
- Good verbal and written communication skills;
- Proficiency in English (spoken, written and reading comprehension).
Our Benefits
- Competitive salary;
- Tax benefits and other Diplomatic privileges;
- Private health insurance;
- Family allowances (according to family situation);
- Free nursery service at INL premises (subject to availability);
- Support for education fees of dependent children;
- Relocation support;
30 working days of annual leave.
How to Apply
The application must be in English and include the following mandatory documents:
- Cover letter
- Curriculum Vitae
- Academic and/or Professional diplomas
- Two reference letters or referees’ contact details
- Title and abstract of the applicant PhD thesis
Online application instructions:
- The application is made online by clicking the “Apply” button;
- The candidate must complete all required sections of the online application form;
- The candidate must submit the mandatory documents mentioned above in pdf format by including them in the “Additional files” section using the “Add portfolio” button.
Important note:
Incomplete applications including the failure to provide mandatory documents or providing inaccurate information will result in the application not being considered.
Applicants who may wish to contact Prof. Dr. Clivia Sotomayor Torres informally by email, prior to submitting their application, can do so through the following e-mail: clivia.sotomayor@inl.int with the job reference number in the subject line.
How the Selection Process works
A. Applications eligibility check
This stage will be carried out on the basis of the mandatory requirements, education, experience and technical skills defined for the job, as well as the validation of the mandatory documents. Only candidates who meet the eligibility criteria will move forward to the next stage.
B. CV Assessment
The Selection Committee will evaluate the eligible applications based on their CV and other submitted documents and the suitability for the position. The best ranked candidates will be shortlisted for the interview stage(s).
C. Interview(s)
The interview(s) may be done in different formats: video recording, online or onsite.
The question based interview will evaluate the match between the candidate’s profile and the requirements for the position, including the technical and personal skills. To better support this stage, the candidate may be requested to prepare a short presentation.
D. Nomination
The selected candidate will be nominated and formally offered the position, including the disclosure of the contractual conditions.
Additional Information
Application feedback
We highly value your interest in becoming part of the INL experience and it is important for us to maintain good communications with all candidates. No matter the outcome of your application, we will always provide you with feedback.
Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Principle
INL follows a non-discrimination and equal access principle, wherefore no candidate can be privileged, benefited, impaired or deprived of any rights whatsoever, or be exempt of and duties based on any possible discriminatory issues.
The advertisement deadline may be extended at any time without previous notice in order to improve the suitability and effectiveness of the recruitment process.
About INL
The International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory – INL (http://www.inl.int), is the first and only Intergovernmental Organisation in the world entirely focused on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
It was founded under an international legal framework to perform interdisciplinary research, deploy and communicate nanotechnology for the benefit of society. INL aims to be a recognised leading global nanotechnology innovation hub.
근무 예정지
대표Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries(해외) : Müggelseedamm 310, 12587 Berlin
관련 키워드
기관 정보
Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries
+49 30 64181500
Müggelseedamm 310, 12587 Berlin
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