Sorbonne University


DIM QuanTiP: Competitive one-year postdoctoral fellowships


채용 정보

  • 접수 기간

    2025.01.08 00:00~2025.03.10 23:59

  • 접수 방법


  • 채용 구분

    경력 무관

  • 고용 형태


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  • 모집 전공

    물리・과학, 통계학, 수학, 공학계열, 화학, 화학공학, 제어계측공학, 정보・통신공학, 전자공학, 전산학・컴퓨터공학, 전기공학, 의공학, 응용소프트웨어공학, 광학공학더보기

  • 기관 유형


  • 근무 지역


The research and innovation network “Quantum Technologies in Paris Region” (QuanTIP) has been labeled as a Major Research and Innovation Domain (DIM) by the Paris Region. QuanTiP brings together the largest European concentration of academic teams in the field of quantum technologies. Its main objective is to promote excellent academic research in the field of quantum technologies in the Paris Region (Région Île-de-France), taking into account the current societal challenges and the importance of the transfer of knowledge and technologies.

In 2025, QuanTiP calls for applications to fill competitive one-year postdoctoral fellowships. The fellowship can be attributed to any of the QuanTiP research groups that you will find here:

The QuanTiP research groups are working at the forefront of experimental and theoretical research on quantum science and technologies, and are exploring emerging applications around quantum computing, simulation, many-body physics, communication, sensing, and metrology. They are studying systems as diverse as photons, ultra-cold atoms and molecules, trapped ions, nanodiamonds, superconductors, clusters and biomolecules, levitated nanoparticles, nanomechanical devices, and hybrid quantum systems.

The call is open to young researchers holding a PhD degree from any nationality. The candidates should contact one of the groups listed above in order to set up a relevant research project and apply. The deadline to apply via one of these groups is March 10, 2025.

근무 예정지

대표Sorbonne University(해외) : 4 Pl. Jussieu, 75005 Paris

관련 키워드

PhysicsQuantum mechanicsEngineeringMathematicsChemistryComputer science

기관 정보

Sorbonne University

  • 기관유형


  • 대표전화

    +33 1 44 27 44 27

  • 대표주소

    4 Pl. Jussieu, 75005 Paris

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