Instituto de Telecomunicações
B-0010-25 - Post-Doc Position in Computational Imaging
채용 정보
접수 기간
2025.01.15 00:00~2025.01.28 23:59
접수 방법
채용 구분
고용 형태
지원 자격
모집 전공
제어계측공학, 정보・통신공학, 전자공학, 전산학・컴퓨터공학, 전기공학, 의공학, 응용소프트웨어공학, 광학공학더보기
기관 유형
근무 지역
Important note: This is a summarized English version of the full original announcement written in Portuguese. The content in English is provided for the convenience of non-Portuguese speakers. However, only the full Portuguese version has official value for the evaluation and selection process.
Instituto de Telecomunicações (
Lisboa (IST)
Skills and Qualifications
PhD in Computer Vision, Image Processing, Computer Science
Employment Type
Full Time
About the position
A research position for one Research Grant (“Bolsa de Investigação Pós-doutoral“) is open at Instituto de Telecomunicações, in the scope of the Project O-0009-LX-15, funded by own funds.
Nowadays, smartphones come with a wide variety of cameras and sensors, each with a distinct function to improve the overall quality of images and enable different functionalities. These camera arrays and sensors include a primary camera with high resolution and best overall image quality, and often a wide-angle camera to provide an expanded field of view, allowing users to capture more in a single shot. This is excellent for landscape photography, architectural shots, group photos, and creative perspectives that emphasize the vastness of a visual scene. While wide-angle photography is rather powerful to capture a large field of view, it often introduces annoying geometric distortions. For example, objects closer to the camera may appear disproportionately larger than those in the background, leading to unnatural-looking images. Moreover, landscape and architectural phots obtained from wide-angle cameras often suffer from geometric distortions, such as perspective distortions, where objects near the edges of the image appear stretched or warped as well as curved or bent straight lines. Also, there should be certain consideration on captured image aesthetic while preserving the special relationships on modification. The focus of this project is on the development of efficient solutions that mitigate some of the challenges identified above.
We are offering
We offer a challenging position with the possibility of expanding your career in an inclusive environment, with excellent working conditions, advanced lab facilities, and access to prototyping services. You have the team’s support to publish in high impact Journals and Conferences, you have the possibility to participate in ongoing projects and have access to the team’s network of national and international contacts.
About Instituto de Telecomunicações
Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT), established in 1992, is one the reference institutions in Portugal, working in Communications and Information Technologies (ICT). With 200+ integrated researchers holding a PhD degree and hosting the research work of 200+ PhD students and 200+ master students, IT has a solid multidisciplinary team, addressing cutting edge topics in ICT, from fundamental to applied research in Wireless Technologies, Optical Technologies, Information and Data Science, Networks and Services, and Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies.
Research activities are supported by advanced laboratories and are carried out in collaboration with more than 250 international Labs and Institutions. IT is evaluated regularly by an International Panel appointed by the Portuguese Science Foundation and earned the statute of State Laboratory in 1992.
More information at
About the Multimedia Signal Processing – Lx Group
Find detailed information about this research Group at
Who can apply and how
Any national, foreign, and stateless candidate(s), holding a PhD in Computer Vision, Image Processing, Computer Science and the above specified qualifications, may apply for this position. IT follows an equal employment opportunity policy, ensuring fare decisions based on merit, regardless of race, gender, religion, or disability.
Find further information about the position, including offered conditions, required documentation, and full details of the selection process, at: Page 2
Application submissions are accepted only via the IT online portal at the same URL. The submission period opens on 15-01-2025, until 28-01-2025, 23:59 (UTC+1). No applications or documents will be accepted via email, or by any other means.
Funding Reference Number:
Summary of Position Authorization:
This announcement was approved by the selection panel on 13-01-2025 and was published on 14-01-2025
Place of Work:
The work will be developed at the premises of Instituto de Telecomunicações – Lisboa, under the supervision of Professor João Ascenso., Information and Data Sciences, Multimedia Signal Processing – Lx
근무 예정지
대표Instituto de Telecomunicações(해외) : Universidade de Aveiro, 3810-164 Aveiro
관련 키워드
기관 정보
Instituto de Telecomunicações
+351 234 377 900
Universidade de Aveiro, 3810-164 Aveiro
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