Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science


CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Management Control Technician


채용 정보

  • 접수 기간

    2025.01.15 00:00~2025.01.29 12:00

  • 접수 방법


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Portuguese version:

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Management Control Technician

Job reference: AE2025-0011 (CG-Geral – CG)
INESC TEC - Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência
Position: Management Control Technician
Regime and location: Hybrid - INESC TEC in Porto
Work field: Management Control

Job summary:
INESC TEC is an R&D institution that aims to create a sustainable future through science, technology and innovation with an impact on society, and is accepting applications for Accounting and Finance Technician in the Accounting and Financial area.
Responsible: Vanda Ferreira
Duration of the contract: from 2025-02-14 to 2026-02-13
Location: INESC TEC, Porto, Portugal

Job description:
Work Area: Management Control
Job description: The activity to be developed includes the monitoring of INESC TEC's management control activity
Objectives: The activity to be carried out within INESC TEC includes monitoring the institution's management control activity, particularly with
regard to contractualization and rendering of accounts and reporting to the funding entities of European and national R&D projects

Benefits and advantages:
• Be part of a collaborative, diverse, international, socially responsible, multicultural and inclusive environment with experts in systems administration and artificial intelligence, with clear conditions for individual growth.
• Be able to have a good work-life balance through flexible working hours, hybrid working arrangements (teleworking and face-to-face), time off, birthdays, health insurance with the possibility of extending it to family members, free parking, discounts on hotels, gyms, transport, among others.

Requisites and Qualifications:
Academic Qualifications: Degree or master’s in economics, Management or related field.
Minimum profile required: Ease of oral and written expression, in Portuguese and English; computer skills in Windows and Office tools,
particularly Excel.
Preference factors: Good organisational and analytical skills and proactive in finding solutions. Rigour and motivation to learn.
Good analytical skills; experience of working in a team and in similar roles.

Type of contract:
Fixed-term contract
The hiring shall be governed by what is stipulated in the legislation in force regarding fixed-term employment contracts and by INESC TEC

Application process: Filling in the fields in the “Submit Application” section on INESC TEC's website.
The candidates who fulfill the minimum requirements will be admitted to the assessment and selection phase

Evaluation and selection methodology:
Consisting of two phases, the first involves a Curriculum Assessment (CA) and the second an Individual Interview (IE).
All parameters are assessed on a scale of 0 to 100, taking into account merit, suitability and preference factors.
The CA parameters and their respective weights are:
• Professional Experience (PE, 20%): Years of relevant experience in the position (5%); Relevance of previous positions (15%)
• Academic Background (AF, 60%): Highest academic degree obtained (10%); Relevance of courses to the position (50%)
• Additional Certifications and Qualifications (CQ, 20%): Additional certifications/training relevant to the position (5%); Verification of preference factors (15%)
Candidates with AC < 50 are excluded on absolute merit. The best five candidates who are not excluded on absolute merit are called for the EI. The Final classification (FC) is obtained from the AC (60%) and the EI (40%).

Disability Incentive:
Candidates who present a degree of disability equal to or greater than 90% will benefit from an incentive (20) in the score of the CV Assessment
Candidates who present a degree of disability equal to or greater than 60% and less than 90% will also benefit from an incentive (10) in the score of the CV Assessment.
Said score may, in these cases, exceed 100 points.
Candidates must demonstrate the degree of disability during the application, namely through the submission of the Multi-Purpose Medical Certificate of Disability, issued in accordance with Decree-Law no. 202/96, of October 23 - currently in effect.

Selection Jury
President of the Jury: Vanda Ferreira
Member: Bárbara Maia
Member: Marta Barbas

Notification of results: The results of the selection process will be sent to the interested by electronic mail.

Application period: From 2025-01-16 to 2025-01-29

Application submission: Electronic form filling in in the section WORK WITH US

근무 예정지

대표Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science(해외) : Portugal, R. Dr. Roberto Frias, Porto

관련 키워드

Management sciences

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Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science

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    351 22 209 4000

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    Portugal, R. Dr. Roberto Frias, Porto

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