Pasteur Institute


Postdoctoral position in Microbiology


채용 정보

  • 접수 기간

    2025.02.04 00:00~2025.02.28 18:00

  • 접수 방법


  • 채용 구분


  • 고용 형태


  • 지원 자격


  • 모집 전공

    생명과학, 생물학, 동물・수의학, 축산학, 작물・원예학, 식품가공학, 농업학, 수산학, 산림・원예학, 농림수산환경생태학, 농림수산바이오시스템공학, 생명공학, 한약학, 약학더보기

  • 기관 유형


  • 근무 지역


A 2-year postdoctoral position (with possible extension) is available at the Pasteur Institute of Lille -
Center for Infection and Immunity of Lille (CIIL), France.

The scientific project:

Tuberculosis (TB) cases caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) strains that are multidrug
resistant to available antibiotics are increasing at an alarming rate. Therefore, there is an urgent need
to identify new targets and to develop new anti-TB drugs. The mycobacterial cell wall is the first barrier
that protects the bacilli from the host response and antibiotic treatment, making it a key factor in
mycobacterial pathogenicity. In addition, as mycobacterial cell wall biosynthesis is essential for
bacterial viability, making it a very attractive target for drug development. This project aims to decipher
protein-protein interactions during the mycobacterial cell wall biosynthesis, which involves several
metabolic pathways critical for bacterial viability. Indeed, several anti-TB drugs (isoniazid, ethambutol,
etc.) specifically target the biosynthesis of essential compounds (mycolic acids, arabinogalactan, etc.).
To this end, we will use the proximity-based biotinylation identification (BioID) recently developed in
the laboratory, by producing fusion proteins in mycobacteria. This innovative approach will help to
identify new proteins and new pathways that are interconnected and thus represent putative targets
for future drug development against mycobacteria.

Job description:

Using the BioID approach that was recently adapted to mycobacteria in the laboratory, the successful
candidate will be responsible for the in-depth molecular and phenotypic characterization of Mtb
strains (recombinant and deletion mutants), using state-of-the-art microbiological methods
implemented in our BSL3 laboratory. He/she will work in a dynamic and sociable environment in the
host team, in partnership with the other collaborating team of the project (Unité de Glycobiologie
Structurale et Fonctionnelle, Villeneuve d’Ascq), all internationally recognized for their expertise in this

Candidate profile
We are looking for a highly motivated and rigorous candidate with a recent PhD in Molecular Biology
or Bacteriology. Working in a Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) laboratory is mandatory and previous
experience in mycobacteriology and BSL-3 training would be an advantage. The candidate is expected
to have excellent communication skills in both written and oral English. Basic knowledge of French
speaking would be a plus.

Start date: From March to June, 2025
Application deadline: February 28, 2025
Contact: Candidates should send a CV and a cover letter with contact information for at least two
references to Romain Veyron-Churlet (

근무 예정지

대표Pasteur Institute(해외) : 25 rue du Docteur Roux

해외(프랑스) : France, Institut Pasteur de LILLE

관련 키워드

Biological sciencesBiology

기관 정보

Pasteur Institute

  • 기관유형


  • 대표전화

    +33 01 45 68 80 00

  • 대표주소

    25 rue du Docteur Roux

  • 홈페이지


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